Izzie Barth

Paintings by Izzie Barth

"I cut out shapes, sprayed color on them, overlayed shapes and got some very interesting results."

One of Izzie Barth's art teachers suggested she try watercolor. She had originally worked in oil and acrylic paint, but found that a chemical sensitivity hindered her work. Another teacher, a watercolorist, encouraged her to try watercolor "tricks" and short cuts: she decided on a spray fixative tool from her oil painting days, and has faithfully preserved it ever since.

Barth paints from her own photographs, first making a drawing on tracing paper, then cutting a piece of Frisk film in a corresponding size. Next she makes a stencil by cutting out the shapes. Working from dark to light, spraying color upon color, she removes pieces of stencil until she gets to the lightest.

There is more of her art at www.louisamelroseartcraft.com/barth.htm.


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