Sarah Aslakson

Paintings by Sarah Aslakson

"I am particularly interested in how color itself rather than shading or composition affects mood and the viewer's response."Painting by Sarah Aslakson

Raised in New York City, Sarah Aslakson for the first impressionable years of her life thought the straight lines and organized beds of a manicured lawn characterized 'nature.' After moving to Wisconsin to attend school, however, she found nature in everything wild, unmanaged and full of variety. She now searches the countryside for the most uncultivated spots of land to inspire her watercolor paintings.

Working from photographs, Aslakson first draws her complex composition on heavy-bond paper. She then applies color to the details of her paintings, preferring not to use traditional wash, but to build up her image with small blocks of intense and saturated color that yield a highly vibrant finish. The completed painting is often a mass of tangled vines, grasses and plants, thoroughly familiar and wildly fantastic.

Sarah is on the faculty at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Her email is .


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